I know tish word doesn’t make any sense and i might be eve a bit hard to pronounce. I coud have choosen a different title, but if you follow me, i think it is genius!
My name is Giorgia, in italian Gio sounds like Jo.
So changing Jou with Gio, always in italian, It still sounds the same.
Now you might be wondering why i amwriting in english if i am italian and i choose a name that sounds right only in italian.
I’ve been studying english since i can rememer. I love english, i love hou it sounds, i love how condensed it is compared to italian and most of all i love the fact that english allows me to confront myself with so many different culture, not like italian.
Said that i think that i don’t actually care if the title that i choose doesn’t make sense or if it doesen’t sounds right.
Giourney is, to me, the perfect name for this project.